About The Photographer,,,

Hey, hi, it's me!

First off let me begin by introducing myself, my name is Marisa McGriff and I am the founder and lead photographer of Barnscoe Photography! My mother always told me I had a gypsy spirit, that I was always wanting to travel and I'm here to tell you....she's not wrong. In 2018 I invested into my first camera, not knowing where it was going to take me. Little did I know that I would lead me to where I am today.

Although I do have schooling and degrees and certifications, none of them have anything to do with photography! Photography was something that I have invested time and knowledge into, seeking out new ideas and learning new techniques! As I grew as a photographer, always pushing myself, I found my love for travel wedding/elopement/lifestyle photography growing! Satisfying the need in my soul to make others happy while capturing the worlds greatest wonders.

As I look back and think how far I have come I can't help but wonder what the universe has in store for me in the next year, two years, decade, etc. Everything happens for a reason.